Sest Group | Heynstrasse 3E - Remise - , 13187 Berlin

  Sonntag, 24. September 2023
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"Can u believe all these losers??" I said. My friend Jonas and I were hanging out at the mall, trying not to puke at the hoard of consumer zombies lurching from store to store.

It was the forth of july, so it was even worse than normal. Up and down the mall there were groups of people loudly joking and laughing, getting their murca on, and wearing whatever red white and blue they had in their closet.

I was dressed all in black like normal. So was Jonas. Fucking automatons.

"Shit Brad, isn't that Taylor Rives?" Jonas said, pointing out a muscular college kid who was rapidly approaching. His broad shoulders were pushing out a blue tank top and he was wearing red shorts. Tan arms showed off the amount of time he spent out playing ultimate frisbee, and his rounded pecs pushing out showed the rest of his time was in the gym.

In our intro psych class last week, I'd made a pretty assholic comment about how different kinda of people were good at different shit…like maybe meatheads like Taylor shouldn't be in school. The guy looked better suited for construction or being a gogo boy or something…

"Quick," I pushed Jonas into the nearest store. It was a pop-up store, just there for July 4th. The sign above the door said "americana"

"I don't wanna talk to that guy," I said. "He's such a fag"

It was tacky to the extreme. The whole place was filled with everything from muscle car kits to uncle sam posters to size large american flag tank tops. Another muscle bound moron was working the counter.

I felt a stirring in my dick. Weird.

Jonas was poking around in the racks, killing time while we waited for Taylor to pass by. As his hand touched a piece of fabric, he said "Bro, I think I'm gonna try this on"

He held up a t-shirt that had a picture of uncle sam on it. The text read "We want you" and then under sam it said "to lift, bro!"

Did Jonas just call me bro?

"Hey Jonas, let me see that" I said. But he was already gone, headed for a change room in the back.

"I think this one is more your style," I heard a deep voice say. It was the moron from behind the counter. And he *had* to be a moron, he was holding out a tank top with an american flag print on it.

I grabbed it away from him, ready to shove it down his throat, or at least ready to laugh at him and make a shitty comment. But the moment I touched the fabric.


I don't remember what…huh…

I was rock hard. My cock was totally visible, outlined in my skinny jeans.

"You wanna try that on?" asked the clerk

"Uh yeah…"

"Changing room is in the back."

I felt high or something. I couldn't concentrate. So I just followed the instruction and stumbled towards the curtained stall in the back

Inside, I shucked off my cloths. Not just my shirt either. For some reason I felt like I had to get my skinny boddy totally naked. And then there I was, just staring at my naked body and my 5" hard cock in the mirror…

I held the american tank in one hand and looked down dumbly at it. It was a large…I…I really wasn't

My other hand started pumping my cock automatically. And thats where the weirdness started

Yeah…like it hadn't already started

My cock started growing. Past what it had ever grown before. Six inches? Or was that like eight? Maybe nine? Fuck, I didn't know how to measure this shit.

It felt thicker too. I definitely couldn't fit my hand all the way around it. Wait…no…yeah I could…my hands are fuckin huge

I looked in the mirror again. My body was swelling with muscle while I pumped my cock. Everything from my peaked biceps to my thick traps to my tree trunk legs and my perky bubble butt was bigger…wait…bigger? Nah, this had taken like years to work for. U don't get this yoked overnite.

I pulled off my cap and tousseled my blond hair.

Lol, I was such a nascisist…I'd come here to try on a tank and I just had to strip down so I could see the whole deal haha…

Time to meet back up with my buddy tho…I slipped my red baller shorts back on - the fabric feels so good when u go commando - and then tried on this stars an bars tank that my bro at the counter recommended. Looked fuckin great on me…

I slipped my flip flops back on and then my snapback and left the change room.

"Jonny!" I shouted across the store. "Check it out! Total buy, rite??"

"Yeah brah!" Jonny said in that bodybuilder voice. Dudes like 240 and makes me look tiny at 190. Jonny's Uncle Sam T was stretched tite across his pecs. U could see his hard nipples pushing against the fabric. He's smarter too, goin to college on a football scolarship while I work at my Dads roofing company. I'm the lucky one tho - I've got a killer tan and don't have to worry about shit! And I always got plenty of cash - I pick up shifts shaking my ass for the other fags in town, and most weekends they pick me up too!

We paid for our stuff and left to keep lookin around the mall. There's nothin like checkin out some sales b4 u head out to drink beers and watch the firewoeks

I bumped into my buddy Taylor outside the store. "Hey bro," he said. "U know this store? I picked up an awesome muscle shirt here last year!"

"Yeah, " I said. "Just got this! Wanna get outside for a while? I gotta football in my bag"

We all ended up playing football for a while, but eventually Taylor and I ditched out to go back to his place and fuck. We definitely went out with the bros for beer and fireworks tho

U can't miss the fireworks

Fuck I luv this country 
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